Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Global Warming and Evolution

I don't understand why Evolutionists are so concerned about global warming. They say that all creatures evolve to something greater to fit their environment. If that was true then wouldn't all animals and plants evolve to handle the warmer temperatures?

An argument that could be made is that evolution takes a really long time. Well, didn't scientists also say that the temperature is slowly rising over a long period of time. Doesn't that just allow the opportunity to evolve to be able to handle the extra heat?

If these ideas are true then there is nothing to worry about.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Differing Opinions

Why must people put each other down when they don't agree with them? We are all entitled to our opinion and if you don't like it then fine, but there is no reason to insult them or call them names. There used to be a time were people would have open debates based on facts, but now I see once one person can't argue their side then they immediately start with the name-calling and insults. I think that those people that are quick to insult are doing one of two things, either unable to back up with facts, or don't have the facts, or they are projecting themselves on the other.

Debates are very useful to see where someone is coming from, their side of the story. If both people keep an open mind then they might be able to learn something. To have an open mind the person must be willing to learn and even change.

Although I have an opinion on every topic it doesn't mean I'm always right with those opinions. I haven't lived through every scenario and there are many experiences I haven't taken part of that would mold my opinions. And whoever I'm in a discussion with could provide new information to me that I haven't thought of or known that would change my ideas.

I'm always trying to learn from people, both those I agree with and those I don't. I usually learn more from those I don't agree with. When I walk away from a discussion my opinion will either be reaffirmed or changed in some way, whether drastically or in a minor way but I learned something either way.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


There is no better game than baseball.  It cannot be constrained by time.  The sounds of the game, the crack of the bat and the pop of the glove.  There is nothing better.

Within the stands one will find families where the father is making great memories with a son or daughter teaching them the game.  One will find little league kids dreaming "someday I too will be playing on this field."

It is a game that is relaxing to watch while having a good conversation with the company around you.

It is as much a part of our lexicon as it is a part of our culture.  I find no better enjoyment then sitting in the stands watching a game or standing on the field playing the sport.


I've always loved the idea of putting my ideas down on paper, or in this case digital format, but haven't really "gotten around" to do it, until now.  Part just to have some place to put my ideas down and partly for work.  Throughout this blog you might get a glimpse into who I am, or at least what things are going through my mind at that time, some posts might be long some might be quite short.  Chances are though that they could be very random.  We'll see how it turns out.  Feel free to follow or just move on, comments are always welcome.

Until next post.